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If you read this text it means that you have found what you were looking for: smart and efficient applications for iPhone and iPad to practice situational judgement tests! 

What is Situational Judgement?

The SJTs or Inventories are are multi-dimensional as they measure the practical work related intelligence, social and behavioral judgement, involving also aspects of candidate personality. The tests aims to predict the candidate behaviour in the future based on the similar situations experienced in the past. SJTs are part of the psychological family tests.​

Being psychometric tests, SJT are constructed based on a set of competencies that are considered critical for achieving good performance in the specific job. Each question presents a work related scenario, gives you 4 seemingly equally viable alternatives/actions and asks to choose the MOST and the LEAST appropriate in the candidate opinion.

Which competencies are tested?

SJTs are usually separated in tests for Specialists (suitable for analysts, professionals) and Administrator profiles (management, leaders). For the specialist profile the core competencies evaluated in our tests are the following:

Analysis and Problem Solving - the ability to identify critical facts in complex issues and develop creative and practical solutions.

Delivering Quality and Results - the candidate can take personal responsibility and initiative for delivering work to a high standard of quality within the work rules and procedures.

Prioritizing and Organizing - the candidate can prioritise the most important tasks, works flexibly and organizes own workload efficiently.

Resilience - the capacity to remain effective under a heavy workload, to handle organisational frustrations positively and to adapt to a changing work environment.

These competencies are compatible with the ones evaluated by EU Careers (EPSO, European Personal Selection Office).

How to succeed situational judgement tests?

It is difficult to prepare in advance for such tests, as a reponse could be pertinent for a situation and a specific role but different for another. A best practice is to remain honest, consistent with your behavior, to use the intuition and most important the common sense. Tips:

- context oriented - focus your answers only based on the info provided in the situation, don't bring your experiences;
- read carefully - don't quickly jump to conclusions, analyze all the proposed alternatives and identify hoaxes;
- relative answers - try to identify the appropriateness of each option, there are no absolute positive or negative alternative and to succeed one needs to determine the most/least effective solution by compromising;
- remain diplomatic - avoid the options in which you need to enter into a conflict with a colleague, friend etc, focus on the options that involve communication and collaboration; your options should not affect your institution / company;
- be fair - when faced with problems remain correct, use ethics, moral principles and avoid the blaming, discrimination or cheating with the options you choose.

A final advice: practice, practice and again practice. If you use my tests you can also purchase the Competencies Analysis in-App which gives a full analysis of your answers, the inner skills evaluate, explains the tests structure and the scoring mechanisms. Good luck!

© 2013 Situational Judgement - no app was hurt during tests ;)

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